Symbols of transformers - Unifilar representation

Electrical Transformer Symbols
Single Line Representation

The electrical transformer is a component consisting of two or more coils coupled by magnetic induction. It is used to transfer electrical energy, and to increase or decrease the tension in an AC circuit, keeping the frequency.
The autotransformer has only one winding.

Symbols of Electrical Transformer / Autotransformer Symbols
Single Line Representation

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Voltage transformer symbol Voltage transformer
Two windings are shown
Generic symbol
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  Voltage transformer symbol, single phase Voltage transformer
Single phase
Current transformer symbol Current transformer
Pulse transformer
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  Current transformer symbol Current Transformer
Single-phase transformer with separate windings symbol Single-phase transformer with separate windings   Symbol of the current transformer with two cores with a secondary winding on each core Current transformer with two cores with a secondary winding on each core
Current transformer with three conductors symbol Current transformer with three conductors   Symbol of the current transformer with two secondary windings on a core Current transformer with two secondary windings on a core
Symbol of the dual current transformer with the same core Dual current transformer with the same core   Symbol current transformer with power outlet Current transformer with power outlet
Symbol of the single-phase transformer with a winding bypass intermediate Single-phase transformer with a winding bypass intermediate   Inductance symbol Inductance
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Three-phase transformer with regulation of induction symbol Three-phase transformer with regulation of induction   Transformer with three windings symbol Transformer with three windings
Autotransformer symbol Autotransformer
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  Single-phase transformer coupling variable symbol Single-phase transformer coupling variable
Single phase autotransformer symbol Single phase autotransformer   Single phase autotransformer with adjustable voltage symbol Single phase autotransformer with adjustable voltage
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Three phase auto transformer with star connections symbol Three phase auto transformer with star connections
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  Three-phase voltage transformer symbol Three-phase voltage transformer
Three-phase transformer with star / star connection symbol Three-phase transformer with star / star connection   Three-phase transformer with star / delta connection symbol Three-phase transformer with star / delta connection
Symbol of three-phase transformer with star / delta connection Three-phase transformer with star / delta connection   Symbol of three-phase transformer with star / zigzag connection and neutral output Three-phase transformer with star / zigzag connection and neutral output
Symbol of three-phase transformer with star / delta connection and step tap changer Three-phase transformer with star / delta connection and step tap changer      
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