Electric Current Symbols

The electrical currents are movements of electric charges (electrons) through a conductor. The electrical current can be current driving or AC/DC convention. His unit is the ampere and is measured by the ammeter. Every electrical current produces an electric field.

Symbols of Electric Currents

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Positive polarity symbol Positive polarity
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  Negative polarity symbol Negative polarity
Direct current, DC symbol Direct current, DC
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  Direct current, DC symbol Direct current, DC
Direct current, DC symbol Direct current, DC   Alternate current, AC symbol Alternate current, AC
Low frequency AC
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Mixed current symbol Mixed current
Rectified current
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  Mixed current symbol Mixed current
Rectified current
Symbol of the universal equipment with DC / AC Universal equipment
Operates with direct current and alternating current indifferently
  Alternate current of medium frequency symbol Medium frequency
High frequency, alternate current symbol High frequency
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  Converting DC to DC symbol Converting DC to DC
DC / DC Converter
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Power inverter / DC / AC converter symbol DC / AC Converter
DC / AC - Power inverter
inverter / undulator
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  AC / AC converter symbol AC / AC Converter
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AC / DC converter symbol AC / DC Converter
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  Alternate current of 50Hz Alternate current - AC
e.g. frequency: 50Hz
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Neutral symbol Neutral   Symbol of the three-phasic current at a frequency of 50Hz Three-phase current at a frequency of 50Hz
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phases symbol Phases R/S/T or L1/L2/L3
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Symbols of power converters
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